The GIF of Dance will have it’s first public season August 6th to 16th!
To become an audience member please sign up here ->
“⚡👏⚡” – Matt Prest
“I really am touched and tickled in receiving them each day” – Carli Leimbach
performer credit Yilin Kong and Matt Cornell
Follow behind the scenes IG here
Past FB event here
ABC Radio National Breakfast interview – Listen below
ABC online article – Read here
and this TimeOut mention: This art transcends time and space to hit you in the feels
GIF of Dance is interested in hyper-distributed, non-geographically exclusive, time shiftable, live performance of dance and choreography and driven to making choreography (and its performance) as integrated into the tapestry of everyday life as any other digital notification, working to erode even those ‘legitimising’ frictions/barriers-to-engagment that only actually serve to exclude certain classes or communities from art.
The moving GIF as (self-contained) contemporary dance performance, that is available to you regardless of where you live, your level of disposable time or income or weather you even feel welcome in a theatre.
over 15,000 photos and videos were made
over 300 GIFs produced
premiered 1 per day for 10 days straight
began with an audience of almost 400 people which swelled to almost 500 people by the end of the 10 days (partly word of mouth and partly thanks to media coverage)
youngest audience member 17 yrs of age, oldest almost 82 yrs of age
majority Australian based showing audience from places including:Perth, Darwin, Melbourne, Broome, Gosford, Sunshine Coast, Bega, Sydney, Townsville
Over 10% international audience with mobile phone prefixes including:united kingdomunited arab emiratesbermudaphillipinescanadanetherlandspolandgermanyaustriaindiabrazilisrael
GIF’s were made in public view on locations such as:Tullebudgera, burleigh waters, yaronga bowls club, sunshine coast, moffat beach, kings beach, glass house mountains, Woodford, beerwah, toowoomba, kenmore cattle station, warwick rodeo, Brisbane botanical gardens, QUT, & gold coast.
- many people responded with text or emoji to express excitement or share their critics, one audience member even made their own dancing GIF and sent it back!!
fine print:
*for future seasons, email your phone number to
*your phone number always remain confidential and only utilised in this specific phase of creation. You can opt-in for future seasons.
*you can leave the theatre/cancel at any time by replying with “NO THANKS”
*there should be no financial cost to you via your carrier unless you’ve already exceeded your data usage allowance
*a dance will be sent out ASAP from when it is made. Only dances made since the most recent performance will be considered
*anyone can join at anytime so spread the word!
*if you phone has a colour screen it will almost certainly be able to receive and play gifs
*This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
GIF of Dance was first supported by DirtyFeet Choreographic Lab and happened at ReadyMade Works in Ultimo.
There was an open studio session on Friday Sept 30th 2016 at 17:00 at ReadyMade Works, Ultimo.
Choreographer Matt CornellDancers Anna Kuroda, Maddy Towler Lovell, Kino Mchugh, Jessa Holman, Libby Zyrel Montilla,…
Posted by DirtyFeet on Tuesday, 1 November 2016
there was a play period that preceded the Dirty Feet Choreographic Lab that happened at 7-SEVEN led by Kynan Hughs in Perth as part of STRUT Choreographic Centre in Perth.
You can follow along with this workshop hosted by Creative Connections team at the Australia Council for the Arts where Matt Cornell walks you through the process of GIF making and the more elusive step of trying to make a GIF of Dance
since you’ve made it all this way, you can see archival footage of previous seasons of GIF of Dance here
And heartfelt thanks to our financial supporters, the people and organisations who put their money into the risky and wonderful ventures of artists.


Awesome work Bro!
Cheers, great stuff, Me like.
Heard about this great project on the radio today, how can I see the past works now the couple weeks have ended? Thanks
love it, great work really well done George all the way from Ireland